Your vehicle is quite possibly one of the largest expenses you’ll make in your life. You may want to consider protecting your investment and your wallet from unforeseen costs with the vehicle protection options we offer. Some of these products can even increase your vehicle’s value at trade-in or lease turn-In.
Four levels of mechanical breakdown coverage, ranging from Powertrain to exclusionary, to best suit your driving habits and your budget.
GAP coverage protects you from paying large out-of-pocket expenses for the “gap” between your insurance settlement and the balance of your loan in case your vehicle is totaled or stolen.
A hand-selected suite of our most valuable EasyCare benefits—protecting both your vehicle and your peace of mind. Covers things like windshield dings, fabric tears, cosmetic wheel damage and more.
Covers the cost to repair or replace the lost or stolen keys/key fobs on your covered vehicle, as well as any additional keys on your keyring (like your home, boat, RV, lockbox and more). Includes 24-hour lockout assistance and rental, towing and taxi reimbursement.
Designed specifically to protect your vehicle from the elements & keep it looking new, Commodore Coatings Protection Package seals & protects your vehicle both inside and out.